Wednesday 1 April 2020

Loose weight from first day


When we here this word "slim", we want to know all way outs to get this title. However, being slim is not everything, you should be healthy from inside as well. So, good diet accompanied with exercise and some important tips can help us achieve all compliments we dream for.
First of all, we need to know what fat is?

Fat is a very essential nutrient for our body but their are different types of fats and their effects on our body. They are
  • saturated - commonly known as solid fat and mainly found in dairy products, meat products and processed foods. Large intake of these fats may increase heart disorder risks.
  • unsaturated - which includes monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. This type of fat lowers the levels of cholesterol and lowers the risk of heart diseases. Unsaturated fats are found in nuts, olives, avocados, eggs, fish and sunflower oil.
  • transfer - These are not natural fats, are partially hydrogenated oils. These fats are very bad for health as it increases cholesterol levels and increases the risk of heart diseases.  Mainly found in fast foods, fried foods, packed foods and baked foods.
So you should be aware of what your body needs and what is worst for your body.
Now that was all about fat, lets talk about the cure.
Best exercises that give results from first day.
1. Half moon pose- how to do- stand in a straight posture, joining your legs and back should be straight.
Now uplift your hands tightly towards upwards, (shoulders should touch your ears) then hold hands and fold with each other. Now by stretching the index finger, turn towards one side and bend as much as you can for atleast 5 seconds..
Come back to your normal position and band other side.
Repeat this exercise 10-15 times twice daily and you will notice a great change.
Trust me i lost more than 4 inches in a month.
I am going to share a picture, so that you all can do it accurately.

2. Now next and best exercise is squat- this exercise is performed by bending the legs as if you are sitting on a chair but without the support of a chair or wall. This exercise helps in toning the legs and provides strength to the muscles. An image depicting this exercise is below.
You can also search youtube to perform this exercise accurately.

3. Brisk walking-
Walk as fast as you can, this helps in loosing fat from overall body because walking stress every body part. Donot practise this exercise after having meals as this may make you feel sick.

4. Jogging-
 Jogging is combination of walking and jumping, while walking jumping warms the body and prepare it to loose extra weight, the walking helps in burning it.

5. Cycling-
This is my favourite exercise, because cycling is so amazing and have bundle of pros and no cons. Practising this exercise in early morning, not only helps in burning extra fat, but also helps in absorbing vitamin d because cycling helps in opening the pores and consuming the best rays from sun. Don't forget to put on some sunblock if going little late.

6. Breathing exercises-
Yoga is of many types, but most effective stem is breathing exercise which includes different types, such as

a). Deep breathing-
Hold your breath as long as you can. This exercise relieves the entire body and extract the waste which ruins the internal system.

b) Slow breathing-
 Breathe in slowly then breathe out slowly. This helps you to feel your body, this should be practised when you are feeling low, as it works like meditation and rejuvenates your body, making you feel fresh and light.

c) Fast breathing-
 Breathe as fast as you can, you should feel your belly going in and out rapidly. This works wonders for those who have belly fat,.

d) Lion’s breath-
Lion’s breath is an energising yoga breathing exercise which helps in relieving tensions in  chest and face.
e) Alternate nostril breathing-
Alternate nostril breathing, is a breathing practice for relaxation of mind which helps in elevating stress and results with a peaceful mind.

f) Equal breathing-
Equal breathing technique focuses on making your inhale and exhales the same length. Making your breath smooth and steady can help bring about balance and threshold.
You should focus on a breath length that is not very easy and not very difficult.

g) Sitali breathing- If you want to lower your body temperature and relax your mind, then this breathing practise is best for you to perform.
Without forcing your breath, slightly extend your breath in length. Since you inhale through your mouth during Sitali breath, you need a place that’s free of any allergens that affect you and air pollution which may make you ill at the end.

Hope this article will help you to stay active and healthy and help you enjoy all adventures of life.
Always happy to help.
Regards Health Benefits!

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