Saturday 26 August 2017


People born in January are

  1. Highly talented- They are ausum at multi tasking. Pursuing multiple works at one time is a thing of same comfort for them.
  2. Funniest- January borns cannot see people upset. so, they find the best funniest ways in making everyone feel good and be loved by people.
  3. Intelligent-Once thought, work is done with the best possible way. But as they are very moody, they choose to work with their own demand being fulfilled.
  4. Smart and active- research says January born can work for much longer without much rest.
  5. Most romantic- these people proves best in bed. Making their partner comfortable is just a work of seconds for them.
  6. Cannot tolerate jokes on them- they are very short tempered, they cannot tolerate anything wrong about them. No-one can dare to lie or backbite about them.
  7. Most caring and responsible- Most emotional people in the world. you can rely on them blindly.
  8. Great sense of style- most stylish people. they can adjust in less and prove as best. They don't need expensive attire , they carry themselves in best and confident manner.
  9. Nagging- Beware of them when they are upset, as they can be proved worst that time
  10. Straight-forward- people born in January react so quickly, for them truth is more important then the situation. They conclude so quickly, without learning the complete story.

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