Saturday 26 August 2017

SAY WOWW TO YOUR SKIN by health benefits


Skin is the most important and significant feature!
Regardless of the colour complexion of the skin, the glow and clearness is more prior. People with spots, pimples, rashes on their skin are always conscious in public and sometimes loose self esteem.
As we need food, our skin also need food and special attendance. Most important is to take adequate sleep and Spending 15 minutes daily for your skin to replenish it with glow and beauty.
Lets discuss some easy tips to help you and your skin gain freshness and beauty.


Water intake: Being hydrated is very important. Our body need 3-4 litres of liquid per day. Skin is the last organ to receive liquids and skin requires most of it to revive it natural strength and freshness. We get plenty of liquid and juices from fruits. 
So its very important to make a big bowl of fruits a part of your daily meal.
consuming liquids not only mean drinking water only-
fruits, juices,vegetables,milk,yogurt all contain high amount of liquid in them. 
Foods rich in water are:
Watermelon: contain 91% water in it.
lettuce: 92%
These food if taken as a regular diet help us be hydrated much.

GREEN TEA: Green tea is also considered very beneficial for skin. you can visit to see its benefits.


  1. Apply besan mixed with turmeric and milk for instant glow
  2. Soak masoor daal(pink) overnight in milk, mash in the morning and apply like a mask. leave it for 15 minutes and rinse throughly.
  3. Apply honey mixed with water on your skin.
  4. Multani mitt is best scrub for skin
  5. For dull looking skin, massage your face with tomatoes paste or cucumber or potatoes mash.
  6. Clean your face with gulab jal before going to bed.
  7. Wash your face at least 5 times a day with simple water
  8. Don't use harsh face wash and scrubs as they are proved good for shorter period but put worst effect on skin in future.
  9. Clean you face with apple cider vinegar mixed equally with water. You can see benefits of acv
  10. Applying yogurt on face, cleanses the dirt from deep pores.
  11. Rub banana peel over your facial skin.
Happy to help!

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